
BBC uncovers another "Iraq massacre" [scare quotes from BBC]
Duplicate, see below.
Actually, this story has been out there for a while, but no serious media outlet has covered it until now. This appears at the very end of the article:
The video tape obtained by the BBC shows a number of dead adults and children at the site with what our world affairs editor John Simpson says were clearly gunshot wounds. The pictures came from a hardline Sunni group opposed to coalition forces.
In the video clip that accompanies the article, Simpson says that the BBC can't show any details since it's all just too bloody horrifying. Here however, are some stills. The pictures are disturbing, but none show any evidence of gunshot wounds. All of the dead appear to be covered in white dust, consistent with a building collapse. The BBC report clearly shows a partially collapsed building then goes on to say that this contradicts the US report that the building collapsed. I filed this under Politix instead of Operations since this is obviously politics, not reporting.
Posted by: 11A5S 2006-06-02