
'Troops die' in Waziristan bomb
Four Pakistani soldiers and at least one attacker has been killed during a suicide attack near the North Waziristan region, officials say. At least seven soldiers are said to have been wounded, the army says. Tens of thousands of Pakistani soldiers have been deployed in the area to flush out Taleban and al-Qaeda militants.

The attack took place just outside North Waziristan in an area characterised by insurgency, tribal rule and criminal gangs.
That pretty much covers the entire subcontinent
The army says that the attack took place on a military convoy heading from the town of Mirali to Bannu. A spokesman said at least one suicide bomber, maybe two, drove a car packed with explosives into a military convoy.

Security forces are regularly targeted by pro-Taleban militants in this rugged region along the Afghan border. The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says that usually, the military come under gun or rocket fire and that suicide bombings are rare. But our correspondent says that militants have recently threatened to carry out suicide attacks if soldiers continued to stop them at check posts.

The army launched operations in the tribal areas to wipe out remnants of al-Qaeda and the Taleban taking refuge there. But many analysts say this has empowered a new generation of Pakistani militants linked to the Taleban in Afghanistan and inspired by the global jihad ideologies of al-Qaeda.

On Sunday a soldier and a policeman were killed and three paramilitary soldiers were injured in North Waziristan when a car exploded at a checkpoint, officials said. Hundreds on both sides have died in recent years.
Posted by: Steve 2006-06-02