
New Yorkers launch postcard protest over terror funds
A day after New Yorkers took a big funding cut as a "drop dead" message from the nation's top security official, angry lawmakers decided to drop him a postcard — lots of them. Sen. Hillary Clinton and Rep. Pete King are launching a postcard protest of the government's decision to cut anti-terror grant money to New York City by 40 percent this year.
Seldom as it is that I agree with Mrs. Clinton, I agree with Mrs. Clinton. And Rep. King. Noo Yawk is much preferred to the Mohammedans over Dubuque or Omaha.
Clinton, D-N.Y., and King, R-Long Island, teamed up Thursday to write Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff postcards from famous New York landmarks, in a dig at the agency's finding the city has zero national monuments or icons at risk of terror attack.
Who the hell came up with that opinion?
Clinton and King, the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, also are showing their postcards on Clinton's Web site to encourage New Yorkers to write their own.
As well they should. And I'm not even particularly fond of Noo Yawk.
Lawmakers are irate that as part of their funding cut DHS determined the city has no national icons. Oddly, separate DHS documents obtained by The Associated Press show the agency found the rest of New York state has five monuments or icons. To prod Chertoff's memory, Clinton and King will send joint postcards of the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Shea Stadium and the Brooklyn Bridge.
Posted by: Fred 2006-06-03