
“Mullah Aid” in Norway
The youth section of the Norwegian Fremskrittspartiet, the major conservative opposition party in the country, has set up a fundraising campaign in which they say they will buy Mullah Krekar a one-way airplane ticket to his home in Northern Iraq. Krekar, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, is an Iraqi Kurd who received political asylum in Norway in 1991. According to Krekar’s lawyer the campaign is not funny and proves that the Fremkrittspartiet’s youth section has no respect for human rights.
"'Tain't funny, y'know. My client may be a terrorist but he has human rights! And one o' those human rights is to never have nobody make fun of him!"
Despite being recognized as a fugitive from Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Krekar travelled home regularly until 2002.
That'd tell me that he didn't really need asylum, just a place to crash between fatwahs, but what the hell do I know?
He helped establish an Islamist republic there.
No, he didn't. He was the titular head of Ansar al-Islam, or maybe the spiritual head.

Posted by: tipper 2006-06-03