
A Proud English Workman
GALLOWS maker David Lucas is demanding the return of capital punishment after receiving huge support from the public.

Mr Lucas was criticised by charity Amnesty International when his trade in execution equipment was revealed and reported in newspapers, radio and television across the country.

But Mr Lucas, who displays a gallows outside his Eldon Farms animal feed business at Holywell Row, near Mildenhall, said: "The support of the British people has been outstanding. Not one person has condemned me.

"People want a return of capital punishment. This is getting so big I need to take it to the Government or even the EU.

"It's unbelievable how this has gone. I went to a factory the other week and the boss brought out all the workers to meet me. I went to a market where there were hundreds of people and no-one condemned me.

"I've even had an American serviceman from one of the bases round here stop and come over to shake my hand.

"The only way to cut serious crime in this country, to get law and order, is to have capital punishment. The Government has tried everything else and it hasn't worked."

Mr Lucas said he had been burgled and robbed in the past. But he said his views had not been influenced by his own experience.

"I'm only talking about murder - particularly of a police officer - and rape. Each case has to be judged, but the only form of answer is execution. If you put a gallows in each market town it would be a deterrent."

Mr Lucas is reported to have sold gallows, and an adapted lorry where up to six people could be hanged at once, to Third World countries including Libya and Zimbabwe. But he refused to say how many he had sold.

"I'm not doing anything wrong," he said. "There is no law that prevents me from selling execution equipment."

Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK director, said Mr Lucas's apparent trade to President Mugabe's government in Zimbabwe was appalling.

She said: "There have been gaping loopholes in regulations concerning execution equipment for years. It makes a mockery of the UK's effort to oppose the death penalty around the world if, right under its nose, a British company is sending hanging equipment abroad."
Late word is that this gentleman is being forced out of the business.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2006-06-03