
East Timor rebels get 48-hour deadline
REBEL soldiers in East Timor had 48 hours to hand in their weapons, the head of the country's Parliament said today.

"For those who left their barracks, they must hand in all the guns they have within 48 hours," Fransisco Guterres, who holds a post similar to parliamentary speaker, said in the legislature.
However, an assistant to Foreign Minister Jose Ramos Horta, who assumed the defence portfolio last Friday, said he had not heard of the time limit.

Mr Ramos Horta had been seeking to meet the rebel soldiers but ministry spokesman Chris Santos would not give details of developments, citing the sensitive nature of discussions.

"He is meeting with everybody as the days go by," Santos said.

East Timor plunged into chaos when Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri in April fired 600 soldiers, nearly half the tiny nation's army, after they complained of discrimination because they came from the west of the country.

Twenty-one people died last month as sporadic battles between rival soldiers descended into gang clashes and led the government to appeal for foreign help.
More than 2000 combat-ready foreign peacekeepers, chiefly from Australia, have deployed in Dili.

Major Alfredo Reinado, who says he is in command of the 600 sacked soldiers, is holed up in the mountain town of Maubisse. He could not be immediately reached for comment.

Some police also joined Major Reinado, who has said he remains loyal to President Xanana Gusmao but wants Mr Alkatiri to resign.
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-06-06