
Suspect accused of wanting to behead PM: lawyer
One of the suspects in an alleged bomb plot in Ontario is accused of wanting to storm Parliament, behead the prime minister and attack a number of sites, including the CBC building in Toronto, his lawyer says. Lawyer Gary Batasar, who represents Steven Chand, made the comments after a court appearance in Brampton, Ont., on Tuesday for 15 of 17 suspects arrested under Canada's Anti-terrorism Act in a series of raids on the weekend. "The allegations are quite serious, including storming and bombing of various buildings," Batasar said. "There's an allegation that my client personally indicated that he wanted to behead the prime minister of Canada."

Batasar said he was given an eight-page synopsis of the allegations, including storming Parliament, blowing up some of the buildings and taking politicians hostage to demand the withdrawal of Canadian troops in Afghanistan. If the demands were not met, it is alleged, Chand wanted to behead Stephen Harper. He said his client is also accused of being part of a plan to take over the CBC building in Toronto.
This is shocking. Taking over the CBC building would be the last straw.
Posted by: Ulomose Ulaque3065 2006-06-06