
Iranian president says no concessions
TEHERAN - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that there would be no concession over Iran’s right to pursue nuclear technology, indicating that Teheran would reject the new international proposals to defuse the crisis around Iran’s nuclear programme.

“We will never ever make any concessions or negotiations on our legitimate right and will not allow the West to tell us what to do and what to decide,” the president said in a speech in Qazvin, central Iran, which was broadcast live on the news network Khabar. “The West would make a grave mistake in believing that the Iranian nation would negotiate about its destiny because Iran would not retreat one iota from its undeniable rights to pursue peaceful nuclear technology,” Ahmadinejad added.
Thanks, Mahmoud. I knew we could count on you.

Posted by: Steve 2006-06-08