
Syria behind a plot to destabilize Qatar By Olivier Guitta
Last week, Qatari authorities proceeded to arrest about 100 Syrian workers and five Syrian intelligence officers. The Kuwaiti daily Al Seyassah explained that Qatar had foiled a destabilization plot against the monarchy. This plot, reportedly conceived by Assad's brother in law Assef Shawkat (also wanted in conjuction to the murder of ex Lebanese Pm Rafik Hariri) with the help of Hizbullah Imad Mugniyeh activating sleeping cells in the Gulf, targeted vital and strategic centers in Qatar. Syria wanted to take revenge on Qatar because of its vote at the UN for resolution 1680 which calls for a final drawing of the borders between Syria and lebanon and the reestablishment of normal diplomatic relations between the two states.
This story, if proven accurate, only shows how Syria is still using tactics of a terrorist state.

Since Iran has been so much in the limelight, Syria has been left on the backburner. That's why unfortunately the Cedar Revolution of Spring 2005 is only a fading memory and Syria is back to its old tricks.
Posted by: 2006-06-10