
Coming soon! GoreTV!
Will We See Gore TV?The former Veep looks at creating a liberal alternative to conservative talk radio and television
EFL. I would encourage Al Gore, the Hollywood bloc and assorted liberal millionaires to throw their money into this project. It means less money going to Democratic candidates. And that is always a good thing.
" ... former Vice President Al Gore has been devoting considerable time to another dream, one he shares with many Democrats these days — creating a media enterprise that could challenge the dominance of conservative voices in cable television and talk radio. Numerous sources in Hollywood and Washington tell TIME that Gore has been quietly sounding out potential financial backers for a cable television network that would feature "progressive" viewpoints.
Lemme see ... Public Television, BBC, the 3 major networks, MTV ....
Additionally, Gore has helped arrange meetings between key Hollywood figures and a wealthy Chicago couple who have publicly announced plans to invest $10 million in a liberal radio network."
[Gore speaking in a dull monotone]
"The media is kind of weird these days on politics, and there are some major institutional voices that are, truthfully speaking, part and parcel of the Republican Party," Gore said. "Fox News Network, The Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh — there’s a bunch of them, and some of them are financed by wealthy ultra-conservative billionaires who make political deals with Republican administrations and the rest of the media."
Is anyone going to call Gore on the carpet for evidence of a slanderous statement such as this?
And while liberal commentators such as former Texas Agriculture Commissioner Jim Hightower have made a stab at syndicated talk shows, they have by and large been unsuccessful.
I would have used the phrase "wholly unsuccessful".
I would have used the phrase "powerful soporifics" myself...
In March, the MSNBC cable news network canceled Phil Donahue's talk show after a disappointing
(disappointing? The guy was eviscerated and slaughtered in the ratings! That's like saying the British were disappointed by the Battle of New Orleans. Sounds like this writer is Tommy Daschle. )
six-month run against The O'Reilly Factor. However, some liberals point to the success of Hillary Clinton's just-released memoir as evidence that a marketplace exists for their viewpoint.
Wow. The self-delusion is really quite breathtaking. Can you imagine basing a business plan on an unrelated product's track record which has been artifically produced by bogus sales?
Posted by: ColoradoConservative 2003-06-18