
Mugabe ’considering retirement’
Robert Mugabe is considering stepping down as Zimbabwe's president within a year under "certain conditions", South African government sources said yesterday. His demands include the right to nominate his successor and international and local recognition that he remains the country's properly elected founding president to enable him to enjoy "honourable retirement", they said.
Yeah, yeah. You're father of your country. Now get the hell out...
The 79-year-old autocrat, whose obsession with clinging to power has brought his once-prosperous nation to the edge of economic collapse and political chaos, is said to have assured President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa of his retirement plans in a telephone call last week. Mr Mbeki sees Mr Mugabe as a major impediment to his dream of successfully launching Nepad — the "new partnership for Africa's development" under which African nations commit themselves to good governance in return for international financial aid.
"Nepad"?! And I thought Artemis was crap.
Pronounced "Kneepad"?
Mr Mbeki called Mr Mugabe on the eve of the World Economic Forum Africa in Durban, a crucial meeting for Nepad ambitions, at which the South African leader was host. Mr Mbeki was said to have been enraged by images emerging from Zimbabwe of Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change being hauled before court in chains to face a second charge of high treason for organising protests against the Mugabe government. According to sources, Mr Mbeki told Mr Mugabe of South Africa's "displeasure". A surprisingly conciliatory Mr Mugabe assured the South African leader of his plans for conditional retirement but emphasised that he would not quit under pressure from "troublemakers" or "international subversives". But Mr Mugabe has repeatedly broken assurances given to South Africa. His office issued a statement yesterday rejecting any suggestion of his resignation.
Here's hoping he dies in office. Sooner rather than later. No strings. Ropes, maybe.
Yeah. Chuck Taylor's talking about "retirement," too. You see where that went. And Bob brings this subject up periodically, because he's a sadistic bastard.

Posted by: Bulldog 2003-06-19