
Mortar shell hits coalition office in Iraq
A mortar shell has hit a coalition office in a town north of Baghdad, killing one Iraqi and injuring 12 others. The US military said the 82mm mortar round crashed onto the Civil Military Operations centre in Samarra, an office that co-ordinates military and civilian humanitarian aid. American soldiers said they heard three explosions. Local police arrived at the scene and found the dead and wounded. "Soldiers were unable to respond or find the perpetrators," US Central Command said in a statement. "This is one of numerous incidents recently where Iraqi resistors have attacked Coalition forces or Coalition Provisional Authority locations and injured or killed Iraqi citizens," it said. CentCom said no US forces were injured in the attack and that an investigation had been launched. It was the third known mortar attack on coalition facilities since major combat was officially declared over on May 1. In a shift of tactics this week, insurgents have also started targeting fellow Iraqis deemed to be too close to the US-led occupation forces.
Posted by: Bulldog 2003-06-19