
Belgium Gets War Crimes Cases Against Bush/Blair
Belgium said on Thursday it had received lawsuits against President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair under a controversial war crimes law. But it said it had forwarded the cases to the defendants' countries, reducing their chances of reaching a court.
"Hot Potato! Here, catch!"
Anybody still up for an ICC with these cases flying around as examples?
Belgium has come under harsh criticism especially from the United States for the law, which empowers its courts to try foreigners for serious war and human rights crimes no matter where they were committed. In an effort to discourage so-called "propaganda" cases, it reformed the law to allow a lawsuit to be sent to a defendant's country if that country were democratic with a legal system that could handle it properly. Belgium's justice ministry said legal authorities had received lawsuits against Bush, Blair and a host of senior U.S. officials for crimes against humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Might want to try handing the bill for handling the case and forwarding it to the plaintiffs.
One lawsuit accused Bush, Blair, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and U.S. General Tommy Franks of crimes against humanity in the recent Iraq war, a ministry statement said. A second lawsuit was against Powell, also regarding the Iraq war. A third was against Bush, Rumsfeld, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, U.S. national security adviser Condoleezza Rice and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz for crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Poor Dick Cheney, he's going to feel left out.
Thuy declined to say when or by whom the lawsuits were filed.
The usual group of suspects, no doubt.
Posted by: Steve 2003-06-19