
Shoe Bomber Blows Mosque
A suicide bomber struck a Shiite mosque during prayers Friday in Baghdad, killing at least 10 people and wounding 20, as violence persisted in the capital despite a massive security operation Why can't they stop everything? Whazzamatter wit' dem people?aimed at restoring order. Police Lt. Thaer Mahmoud said the attacker blew himself up at the Buratha mosque in northern Baghdad.

Mahmoud said the bomber was wearing an explosives belt, but Jalal Eddin al-Sagheer, the preacher at the mosque and one of the country's leading politicians, said the explosives were inside a worshipper's shoes. He said the bomber blew himself up when confronted by the guards as they began searching worshippers with shoes beside them inside the mosque, al-Sagheer said.

The streets of Baghdad were largely empty of cars due to a four-hour driving ban supposed to prevent violence during traditional Islamic prayers held every Friday.

It was the second time the mosque has been hit in just over two months. The Buratha mosque also was attacked during Friday prayers on April 7, when four suicide bombers, including a woman, set off their explosives, killing at least 85 worshippers as they left the mosque after the main weekly religious service.

Posted by: Bobby 2006-06-16