
Saudi Police Lift Veil on Woman Driver
A woman who tried to get around a ban on female drivers in Saudi Arabia by dressing up as a man was caught out when she was ordered to undergo medical checks, a newspaper reported on Thursday. Police became suspicious when they stopped the woman's car at a patrol point in the northern town of Hail. "She was sent to hospital where medical examinations proved without a doubt that she was a woman with all the natural female body parts," the daily al-Riyadh said.
"Ahah! And where's Captain Happy, sir?"
"Musta left 'im in my other pants..."
Truly shocking!
It was not clear what punishment the woman would now face. Women in the strict Islamic state, where they must wear a veil in public, usually have a male driver.
Although Saudi laws do not allow women to drive, police nonetheless hold them responsible for numerous traffic violations as more than 75, 000cars are owned by Saudi women, according to a report carried by Al-Watan newspaper. Some traffic violations are registered in the name of women because the law holds the owner of a car responsible when the actual violator cannot be found. (Arabnews)
Translate: Can't drive but can be flogged for it anyway.

Posted by: True German Ally 2003-06-19