
Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry blasts U.S. publicized "flesh traffic"
We don't only eat it, we also traffic in it!
A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry today gave the following answer to the question raised by KCNA as regards the accusation made recently by the U.S. against the DPRK over the issue of "flesh traffic": On June 11 the U.S. State Department, referring to the flesh traffic in various countries in a "report on flesh traffic," made an unreasonable accusation against our country, too, asserting that it is a source of flesh traffic and it has taken no measure to combat it.
So is Kimmmie a pimp, too? Tooling down Big Kimmie Boulevard in his mink and tricked out Escalade? "Where my money, bitches!" Or is he just a mere slave trader?
The U.S. has so far cited all sorts of issues including terrorism, human rights abuse, drug trade and suppression of religion to pull up our country.
You left out cannibalism, illegal arms sales, counterfeiting, nuclear blackmail and a bunch of other stuff I forgot.
And this time it went to the lengths of groundlessly charging the DPRK with "flesh traffic" in a bid to defile its system and increase pressure upon it. This is one more despicable charade which can be orchestrated only by the U.S. ruling quarters steeped in the hostility towards the DPRK to the marrow of their bones.
I've noticed that the louder they scream, the better the chances the accusation is true.
By nature "flesh traffic" is something that can occur only in the American society where the fin-de-siecle tendency based on the money-is-everything principle and the jungle law prevails.
"Fin-de-siecle"? Somebody want to enlighten me? I doubt they even know what it means. But it sure sounds good. Does it have anything to do with "the jungle law"?
When looking back on human history, the United States is the country with the poorest human rights record as it has grown rich because of slave trade for several centuries after it was built as a result of genocide. It is, therefore, the height of folly for the U.S. to talk about a sort of "flesh traffic".
Yeah, we must be getting pretty low on all that slave trade money we had saved up. It's only been outlawed for, what, 140 years?
Such social ills are unimaginable under our socialist system under which the whole country has become a big family and the leader, the party and the masses are singleheartedly united.
Now I know why they call it "The Party"! It just sounds like so much fun! Party on, you starving White Slag addicted Jucheheads!
This notwithstanding, the U.S. fabricated the issue of "flesh traffic" to attack the dprk. This is an indication that the anti-DPRK racket kicked up by the U.S. while internationalizing the nuclear issue and putting its "blockade operation" against Pyongyang into practice has reached a senseless and reckless phase.
How is the "blockade operation" going? I haven't read much about it lately. I'd hate to see it be so effective that the'd have to start eating tree bark and barnyard grass and their kids and stuff. Unless that's what they like. I'm not gonna lay my cultural sterotypes on them.
There is an increasing number of refugees and flesh traffic and all other crimes and social evils are rife in various dispute-torn regions of the world.
But not here in the NK! Here "the Party" rules! Soon we'll be calling it "The Par-tay".
This is a product of the policy of war pursued by the Bush administration against humanity in a bid to realize its wild ambition for world supremacy.
The Evil Bush ponders.... and waits.
It is an already known fact that the U.S. intelligence bodies made sustained sinister attempts to kidnap inhabitants in border areas of our country and take them to neighboring countries and they are under open debate even at congress.
Maybe you can give us some lessons on kidnapping foreigners. The Japanese say you're pretty good at it.
Desperate efforts of the U.S. to topple our social system will only touch off stronger resentment at the Bush group and harden our people's determination to resolutely defend our socialist system.
Party on Pimp Dog Il!
Posted by: tu3031 2003-06-19