
Taliban leader thanks God, Canadians
A Taliban leader who thanked God and Canadians before renouncing the insurgents under an Afghan reconciliation program Friday may have been involved in the planning of attacks on Canadian troops, sources say.

Mullah Ibrahim, who has lost a leg, was rolled before the international media in a wheelchair Friday to repent. No mention was made of his activities with the Taliban during the news conference.

``I have signed the papers to join the Strengthening Peace Program. I want peace and national union in Afghanistan in an Islamic system,'' Ibrahim said through an interpreter as ``contractors'' armed with machine-guns stood by. ``It was God and the Canadians who saved my life.''

Ibrahim, a village elder from a district west of Kandahar, was arrested by Afghan forces May 19 at the same time Canadian troops were fighting Taliban in the area in what became known as the Battle of Panjwai. Seriously ill with jaundice and a degenerative disorder, he was brought to the coalition base hospital where he was treated by Canadians.
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Posted by: ryuge 2006-06-17