
Officers blame back pay for attacks
An Iraqi group warned US forces Wednesday that they would face more hostile acts unless they resolved the "serious" problem of back pay for members of the former Iraqi army. "We told the Americans that the issue of outstanding payments was of paramount importance and that if you do not solve it you must expect more operations against you," said Najib as-Salehi, secretary general of the Movement of Free Iraqi Officers and Civilians.
That would seem to cover everybody but the enlisted men. As usual...
"Failure to resolve this problem is a mistake whose consequences the Americans will have to bear," the formerly exiled ex-army officer told a conference on the role of his group in the new Iraq. Salehi however added that "both parties," which he did not identify, had "blown the payment problem out of proportion in pursuit of political ends."
Last time this came up, I suggested paying them off and giving them a hearty handshake and a good-bye. Does anybody listen to me? No-o-o-o-o-o!

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-19