
One hundred Taliban killed in coalition offensive
(babelfish xlation of AFP story)

KANDAHAR - a hundred talibans found death in engagements in the south of Afghanistan in 72 hours. They perished in a vast offensive of the launched coalition Wednesday to subdue the rebellion.

Seven rebels died in the province of Kandahar during a confrontation with the Afghan national police force, which also lost one as of his. The battle lasted a good part of the night. Three other talibans died in the premature explosion of their artisanal bomb in the province of Helmand.

Friday evening, the international military coalition, carried out by the United States, announced to have killed 45 risen in the province close to Oruzgan in two separate attacks. In the night of Wednesday to Thursday, it had already announced to have killed 40 rebels.

These operations lie within the scope of the operation "attack against the mountain" (Mountain Thrust), the most important offensive launched by the coalition and the Afghan forces of safety since the fall of the talibans at the end of 2001.

Since mid-May, the American, Canadian and British forces accentuated the pressure on the rebels with the assistance of the police force and the Afghan national army. But the losses do not seem for the hour to have started the determination of the talibans to launching frontal attacks on the Afghan forces of safety and the coalition.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2006-06-17