
Lawmaker Accused of Dropping the ‘F-bomb’ on VA
(CNSNews.com) - The California Democrat currently acting as ranking member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee reportedly launched a profane verbal assault on two employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs after they labeled a press conference held outside the VA headquarters Tuesday a "publicity stunt." Rep. Bob Filner (D-Calif.) is described as "uttering obscenities" at the VA employees in one media account.
Get in line with the rest of us
Filner joined other Democrats Tuesday outside the VA's main offices to criticize VA Secretary Jim Nicholson for waiting three weeks to inform the public about the theft of a computer disc drive that contained the names, birthdates and Social Security numbers of 26.5 million veterans and their spouses, along with those of thousands more active duty military personnel. The Marine Corps Times later reported that "Filner got into a shouting match with unidentified VA employees after he called Nicholson a political 'crony' of President Bush who wasn't up to the job."

The two employees, Assistant Veterans Affairs Secretary Lisette Mondello and VA spokesman Matt Burns, reportedly challenged Filner, noting that Nicholson is a decorated combat veteran and questioning the congressman''s lack of military service. The ensuing argument continued after the news conference ended, with Filner calling the pair "spin doctor[s]." Mondello and Burns characterized the event as a "publicity stunt," and that remark, according to Associated Press reports, is what triggered Filner''s "F-bomb."

"You guys f***ed it up!" Filner reportedly shouted. "Stop covering your a** and figure it out."
The original Associated Press report of the altercation, which was not included in later articles about the news conference, noted that "Mondello and Burns afterward declined to comment on Filner's remarks, saying only that they were embarrassed that reporters had to 'witness a distinguished lawmaker act in such a reprehensible manner.'" Filner explained his behavior in the June 14 edition of the Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call, saying that he was "furious" with the VA over its handling of the data theft. Calls from Cybercast News Service to Filner seeking his version or an explanation for the incident were not returned.
Posted by: Steve 2006-06-19