
Belgian Minister Sued Under Own Human Rights Law
Edited for topic:
Belgian Foreign Minister Louis Michel became the latest public figure to fall foul of his country's controversial human rights law on Friday when an opposition party said it was filing a suit against him.
Michel, Belgium's outspoken foreign minister who sharply criticized the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, stands accused by a small opposition party for approving arms shipments to Nepal. Bart De Wever, a party official for the Flemish nationalist party NVA, told VRT radio the suit targeted "Louis Michel's own hypocrisy as his policy decisions run counter to human rights." Michel last year approved the sale of 5,500 machineguns to conflict-torn Nepal. The deal was criticized because Belgian law bans arms exports to countries engaged in civil war.
Michel said Belgium was a laughing stock because of the law. "This is so mad, ridiculous, irrational and malign," he told reporters at a summit of European Union leaders in Greece. "Belgium is being ridiculed on the international stage and people who are following this type of strategy...don't give a damn about the national interests of our country," he added.
The man found a clue.
Yup. Stepped right in it. Look at those shoes! Eeeew!
After modifying the law to discourage so-called "propaganda" cases, Belgium has already sent lawsuits to Washington against high-ranking officials including Bush and his father, former president George Bush, Powell and Rumsfeld. A senior official at Belgium's port of Antwerp said on Friday the port authority feared losing traffic because of the law after a U.S. transport company started to boycott it.
Whoever you are, thank you.
Posted by: Steve 2003-06-20