
Lott White House Nominee blocked by Secret Hold
Congress had only a few days left, and then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott wanted to get a White House nominee approved by senators before they went home.
I wonder who the nominee was that created this flap?
But a senator secretly blocked the nominee, jumped on an airplane and fled Washington before his or her identity could be discovered, Lott said. This time, Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, want the Senate Rules Committee to approve an official change saying that a letter must be published in the Senate's record requesting the hold within two days of a request or it would not be honored. Lott, R-Miss., is the committee chairman. Supporters say holds ensure that all senators are consulted on legislation and nominees, and help bring attention to issues that otherwise would be overlooked. For example, Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, blocked the approval of 212 Air Force officers earlier this month because he said service leaders would not honor a promise made in 1996 to add four C-130 transport planes to complete the half-squadron based at Gowen Air National Guard Base in Boise. Craig eventually released most of the holds after talks with the Air Force.
As of today, most of the senior promotions are still on hold.
Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia, one of the staunchest defenders of Senate tradition and rules, said he probably won't support changing the system. ''I think we can find a way to achieve the goals of these two senators without changing Senate rules,'' he said.
Appoint Lott's nominee and give Craig the planes?
Byrd suggested Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle. D-S.D., agree that before a hold is honored, the objecting senator would have to notify both party leaders, taking the decision to keep it silent out of partisan politics. Daschle and Frist said they would consider that.
Posted by: anon 2003-06-20