
Al-Aqsa To Strike Israel 'at Any Place'
Gaza City, 21 June (AKI) - Palestinian militant group, the al-Aqsa Brigades, which is linked to PA president Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement, on Wednesday threaten to carry out attacks in Israel in retaliation for an Israeli air strike in Gaza the day before in which three Palestinian children were killed. "We'll strike at the enemy at any place," the group said in a statement. "We declare a high alert among our men, with the goal of quickly avenging the Zionists' crimes. The Palestinians must declare war on Sderot and the rest of the Zionist settlements. Now it's us against Sderot," it said referring to a southern Israeli settlement which has been repeatedly targeted by militants with Qassam rockets."

On Tuesday the Israeli airforce struck Gaza City in an apparent attempt to assassinate two Palestinian militants but instead killed a 16-year-old boy and a brother and sister aged five and six respectively. The two militants escaped with light injuries; another 14 Palestinian citizens were injured in the incident. Tuesday's attack was the third time in a month that Israeli military attacks have resulted in civilian deaths.
Posted by: Steve 2006-06-21