
American think tank turns wrath on NGOs
WASHINGTON: Having led the charge to war in Iraq, an influential think tank close to the Bush administration has added a new target, international non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Not just any international NGOs, but especially, if not exclusively, those with a “progressive” or “liberal” agenda that favors “global governance” and other notions that are also promoted by the United Nations and other multilateral agencies. The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) announced Wednesday that it, along with another right-wing group, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, is launching a new website ­ located at www.ngowatch.org ­ to expose the funding, operations and agendas of international NGOs, and their alleged efforts to constrain US freedom of action in international affairs and influence the behavior of corporations abroad.
Hurrah! About damn' time!

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-20