
Count Dooku threatens to expand attacks in Russia
The Chechen rebel movement's new leader, Doku Umarov, threatened Friday to expand attacks into "many regions of Russia" in comments posted on a pro-rebel website a week after his predecessor was killed by Russian forces.
They've been threatening that for awhile. I think it was Shamil's idea, originally, though that's also how they got kicked out of power in their little Islamic paradise in the first place.
But Umarov vowed to end terrorist acts against civilians, signalling an attempt to draw a line under the bloody attacks, such as at the Beslan school in 2004, that have been so damaging to the Chechen independence movement's image.
Damaging to its image? Or did it simply open the eyes of the entire world to what a depraved bunch of bastards they are?
Umarov's statement on www.daymokh.org was the first since he assumed the presidency in the Chechen separatists' underground government and clearly aimed to refute Russian claims to have crippled the rebels with the slaying on June 17 of the previous leader, Abdul-Khalim Saidullayev. "We intend to complete preparations this summer for significantly expanding the area of military actions, taking in not only the Caucasus, but many regions of Russia," Umarov was quoted as saying.
Posted by: Fred 2006-06-24