
S. Korea begs urges North to address issues
SEOUL - South Korean Prime Minister Han Myeong-Sook on Sunday urged Stalinist North Korea quickly to address international concerns about its nuclear ambitions and reported plans to test-fire a missile. “The government strongly urges North Korea to return to six-way talks in order to resolve the nuclear issue peacefully,” Han said in a speech marking the 56th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War.

“North Korea must fully understand international concern about its missile issue and quickly address it,” Han told thousands of war veterans and others at the ceremony in Seoul. “North Korea’s nuclear issue is the biggest threat to our security and a major factor undermining peace and stability in Northeast Asia,” she added.
Noticed that, did you?
South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon said Saturday that China, host of the six-way nuclear disarmament talks, could contribute to easing missile tensions. “China’s role is most important to stop North Korea’s suspected move to launch a missile,” Ban told reporters upon returning home from a trip to Europe, according to Yonhap news agency.

“I will request that China actively persuade North Korea this time too, as it has so far played a constructive role in the six-way talks on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program.”
China, curb your dog.

Posted by: Steve White 2006-06-26