
Canadian warships on drills in Hawaii
good to see the Canadian forces active again
Three Canadian warships arrived at Hawaii's famed Pearl Harbor on Sunday to take part in multinational battle exercises due to start Monday.

HMCS Algonquin, HMCS Vancouver and HMCS Regina, along with two embarked Sea King helicopters, are now preparing for the month-long Rim of the Pacific Exercise(RIMPAC).

Also from Canada are members of the Fleet Diving Unit (Pacific); six CF-18 fighters from 3 Wing Bagotville, Que. supported by a CC-130 Hercules from 435 Squadron, 17 Wing Winnipeg; and two CP-140 Aurora maritime patrol aircraft from 19 Wing Comox in B.C.

The Canadian contingent will join about 35 warships, six submarines and 160 aircraft from seven nations - the 20th time Canada has participated in the exercises.

It's the largest multi-national battle exercise in the Pacific and will be conducted through the end of July.

Bruce Donaldson, Canadian Pacific Fleet commander commodore, is serving as deputy commander of a multi-national combined task force of sea, air and land units.

"It is Canadian participation in exercises like RIMPAC that allows the Canadian forces to be effective and leading contributors to multi-national operations around the world," Donaldson said in a news release. "This exercise enhances our ability to work with the forces of other nations and it promotes stability in the Pacific Rim region to the benefit of all."

U.S. Vice-Admiral Barry Costello, commander of the United States Third Fleet, is responsible for the overall co-ordination of the exercise.

Participating nations include Australia, Japan, Chile, Peru, the Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Observer nations include Ecuador, Malaysia, Mexico, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand.

The first RIMPAC exercise took place in 1971 and now takes place every second year.

This year's exercises include more than 35 ships, six submarines, more than 160 aircraft and 18,000 sailors, soldiers and air crew members.

About 1,000 Canadian personnel are included in that number.

After a week of operational and safety briefings, the Canadian ships depart from Pearl Harbor and sail for the actual training at sea beginning July 5.

According to The Lookout, the newspaper for Vancouver Island's CFB Esquimalt, the Canadian vessels will take part in simulated international hostilities.

HMCS Vancouver is set to fire Harpoon surface-to-surface missiles and Sea Sparrow surface-to-air missiles, while HMCS Algonquin will fire three standard missiles with telemetric warheads to measure missile and system performance.

The Lookout reports one missile will be fired at the hulk of a decommissioned U.S. warship while the other two will be aimed for remote-controlled drones the size of a dining room table.

Images and updates on the exercises can be found at www.c3f.navy.mil/RIMPAC-2006/index.htm.
link isn't working at the moment

Posted by: lotp 2006-06-26