
White farmers receive eviction notices despite Mugabe pledge
The Zimbabwe government is reneging on a pledge to invite exiled white farmers back to work the land and is moving to evict the few hundred who survived President Robert Mugabe's six-year ethnic purge. Scores of eviction notices were either delivered or were on their way to productive white farmers last week. The farmers will have 90 days to leave their homes and abandon their businessess to stay. It was a spectacular admission that his 20 million-acre land grab had failed and that the expulsion of more than 4,000 white farmers had wrecked the economy. "Productivity must return to the land," Gideon Gono, the governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, said at the time.
"Which will happen right after my lips reattach themselves," he added.
Mr Mugabe even invited some who had fled their farms to return home and apply for 99-year leases for their properties, which were all nationalised last year. About 900 existing and former white farmers applied for leases, half of them through the Commercial Farmers' Union, but none has been processed.
Rest at link.
Posted by: ed 2006-06-26