
UFO sighted near International Space Station
MOSCOW - An Unknown Floating Object close to the International Space Station ISS has concerned ground control, according to reports from the US Space Agency NASA on Tuesday. The object is approximately 2.8 kilometres away from the International Space Station, said the Russian flight control centre in Moscow, citing a NASA source. The situation is quite serious, but does not yet require a dodge manoeuvre, said Russian flight trajectory expert Alexander Kireyev.

“The object has no number in the list of space debris,” Kireyev said, according to reports from the Russian Itar-Tass agency. “It is however probably an old piece of space exploration equipment.”
"Or an alien battlecruiser, we're not quite sure"
If the object gets any closer to the ISS, astronauts Jeff Williams and Pavel Vinogradov would have to take the precaution of moving to the rescue space shuttle Soyuz TM. A dodge manoeuvre could cause difficulties for the docking of the US space ship “Discovery”, due to be launched on July 1.
Posted by: Steve 2006-06-27