
Gitmo Authorities Use "Harsh Methods" To Break Hunger Strike
Time Mag - natch. HT to Drudge. Watch the tears and handwringing. I say let em die
At Guantanamo, Dying Is Not Permitted
A TIME Investigation: The Supreme Court handed the prisoners at Gitmo a victory, but authorities there continue to use harsh methods to break one of their most common methods of protest — the hunger strike

The prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, won a major victory this week when the Supreme Court struck down the Bush administration's planned military tribunals. Til they find out we can hold them til the day they die..nice spin assholes But for many prisoners at the detention facility, the protests haven't stopped. Hunger strikes persist, in what Guantanamo commander Rear Adm. Harry Harris, Jr. has called "asymmetric warfare" — a means to attract attention to their increasingly controversial detention. As a result, the camp's administrators have sought to keep prisoners alive at all cost — because a prisoner's death (as the U.S. found out three weeks ago, when three Gitmo inmates committed suicide) can be a major embarrassment for the U.S. and add fuel to widespread demands for the facility to be shut down. Oh the humanity!

Civil-liberties advocates point out that Guantanamo's 460 inmates have few other means to make their voices heard, given that most have been detained for more than four years without even being charged with a crime. Indeed, though the U.S. has condemned the hunger strikers at Gitmo, just last year the White House hailed a hunger-striking Iranian dissident for showing "that he is willing to die for his right to express his opinion."
"Civil Liberties Advocates" should be required to spend a weekend with the crazed killers in their cells...they can take dictation of the protests

Posted by: Frank G 2006-07-01