
Japan freezes aid to Burma
Japan has announced it is freezing financial aid to Burma in response to the junta's detention of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. The move, by Burma's biggest aid donor, will intensify pressure on the military government to address the international community's concerns over the pro-democracy leader. Sanctions against the junta have already been stepped up by the European Union, and the United States is also in the process of toughening sanctions. Aung San Suu Kyi has been in detention since 30 May, following clashes between her supporters and individuals allegedly sponsored by the government. She is being held in a two-room hut in the notorious Insein prison outside Rangoon. Japan gave around $17m in economic aid and technical support to Burma last year.
Screws tightening, hope it hurts.
Posted by: Steve 2003-06-25