
Bombing thwarted, 3 Palestinians dead, soldier wounded
JPost - Reg Req'd - Edited for New Stuff only
Border Police units thwarted a suicide bombing Wednesday morning when they captured two Tanzim terrorists in Kfar Kassem, one of whom was carrying a bag containing a 10-kilogram explosive device packed with nails and shrapnel.
So a ceasefire in name only huh? The Paleos are lying terrorists and their word means nothing
Police arrested the two Fatah Tanzim terrorists, Nidal Abu Al-Hak, and Muhammad Ramadan, both from Nablus on the West Bank, and detonated the bomb in a controlled explosion, leaving a huge crater in the ground. Kfar Kassam is an Israeli-Arab village 20 kilomoters northeast of Tel Aviv. Security services said the terrorists' target was most likely the market in Petach Tikva.

Military and police were placed on high alert early in the morning after receiving intelligence warnings that a potential suicide bomber and an accomplice had crossed into Israel to carry out an attack. Scores of roadblocks were set up in the densely populated Sharon region, an area bordering the West Bank and a frequent target of Palestinian militants. Large numbers of Israeli security services swarmed into Kfar Kassam after receiving intelligence that a terror attack was being planned. One of the Tanzim terrorists was spotted and was asked what the contents were of the bag he was carrying. "You have nothing to check. I only have books," replied the Palestinian. "There is no doubt that a huge disaster was prevented, " a senior police source said on condition of anonymity. "We are talking about a huge explosive device." The reported attempt came as Palestinian officials awaited a response from Islamic militant groups about a proposal to suspend attacks against Israelis.
Also - MSNBC now also says a Islamic Jihad terrorist was among the dead in the helo attack on the Hamas guy with one leg now - Hamas and IJ in the same car convoy?? surprise surprise
Posted by: Frank G 2003-06-25