
Freedom Summer Palestine
It's summer time and that means it's time to send the kiddies off to camp.
Join the INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT for Freedom Summer Palestine 2003
Oz Fest has nothing on this.
From July 1 – August 15, 2003 the International Solidarity Movement invites you to join the Palestinian people for Freedom Summer Palestine 2003 – a campaign designed to directly challenge the Israeli occupation policy of caging Palestinians in their cities, towns and villages, denying 3 million people their basic right to freedom of movement. The Palestinian people are living under a brutal military occupation that is a source of a terrible cycle of violence in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. But while the world focuses on the “War on Terror” a blind-eye is turned to the terror practiced by the State of Israel against a largely unarmed population struggling for their freedom. While the mainstream media focuses on the “road map” to peace, roads for colonizing settlers continue to be paved over Palestinian olive trees and Israeli soldiers and roadblocks prevent Palestinians from traveling freely to home, work and school.
Or to blow up buses
The Israeli government continues to build a massive wall to surround Palestinian areas and turn their ghettos into large prisons. Twice as high and planned-to-be three times as long as the Berlin Wall, Israel’s new project has already uprooted tens of thousands of Palestinian fruit and olive trees and has destroyed or isolated from Palestinian farmers tens of thousands of dunams of farmland, de facto confiscating the Palestinian people’s most fertile land and most important water wells. Entire farming communities are losing all of their agricultural. Entire farming communities are losing all of their agricultural land.
Yada, yada, yada. Snipped:
The ISM invites you to join the Palestinian people in coordinated direct-action, nonviolent resistance to this strangulation, oppression and affront to peace initiatives. While leaders talk about peace and the “road map”, take part in working for justice on the ground and paving the road to freedom.
Or being paved over. Mind the Zionist bulldozers, kids.
Posted by: Steve 2003-06-26