
Detained Islamists await state’s decision
The detention period of four Islamist MPs arrested after paying condolences to the family of Abu Mussab Zarqawi expired on Sunday with the movement’s leaders again calling on the government to release their members. “The reputation of our colleagues has been tarnished enough with their detention and accusations of betraying the nation. The government should now reconsider its decision and release the MPs who should not be behind bars anyway,” said Azzam Hneidi, head of the Islamic Action Front (IAF) bloc at the Parliament. There are 17 Islamist deputies in the 110-member House.

Hneidi said the government should not escalate the crisis further. “I cannot find a logical explanation for the government’s decision to continue the detention of our colleagues,” Hneidi told The Jordan Times.
"Punishing them" isn't a valid reason?
The four IAF MPs were ordered to be detained for 15 days on June 11 after the prosecutor general charged them with “fuelling national discord and inciting sectarianism.” On Jun 26, the state prosecutor ordered the detention to be renewed for a further 15 days. The deputies have pleaded not guilty to the charges. If convicted they could be sentenced to between six months and three years in prison in addition to a fine, according to legal sources.
Posted by: Fred 2006-07-10