
Carlos the Jackal book praises Bin Laden
More merde from France
One of the world's best-known terrorists of the 1970s and 1980s has written a book lauding the man suspected of masterminding the 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States. Carlos the Jackal, whose real name is Illich Ramirez Sanchez, praises Osama Bin Laden's "shining" example in a selection of writings from his prison cell in France which went on sale on Thursday.
Buy with de Villepin's poetry and get the 'cheaper' free!
A convert to Islam since his imprisonment for three murders, Sanchez preaches "revolutionary Islam" — which is the title of his book — as the new, post-Communist answer to what he calls US "totalitarianism".
If ever you needed reminding why you think the way you do, this murder pretty much sums it up. Anti-American Communist Islamofascist Murderer: French publisher's wet dream?
The book, excerpts of which have been published by Le Monde, has also raised questions over how it could have seen the light of day as the French prison system is supposed to strictly control all correspondence between inmates and the outside world. Its contents were compiled and edited by a French journalist, Jean-Michel Vernochet, on the basis of letters, interviews and texts by the Jackal, according to Le Monde. Mr Vernochet told the French news agency AFP that he had never actually met Sanchez but had received the materials from the publishing house releasing the book. The book is a "defence and illustration of terrorism," Mr Vernochet said. In the words of Sanchez himself: "From now on terrorism is going to be more or less a daily part of the landscape of your rotting democracies."
Is this quote on the inside cover, or a as a glitzy peel-off sticker on the front?
Sanchez, 55, and serving a life sentence since 1997 for killing two Paris police officers and their informant in 1975, appears to have either rejected his past Communist revolutionary beliefs in favour of Islamic militancy or merged them.
Not much merging required, bozo.
He suggests that the 11 September attacks — a "lofty feat of arms" — were part of an "armed struggle" to liberate the holy places of Islam and win justice for the Palestinians.
You know, the Arab population of France's prisons is 50%. Who'da thunk a Communist would be so gullible?!
Revolutionary Islam, he argues, "attacks the ruling classes in order to achieve a more equitable redistribution of wealth" and Islam is the only "transnational force capable of standing up the enslavement of nations".
That'll be why the 'Palestinians' are rolling in Saudi gold and standing tall with their Islamic brethren, not destitute pawns and pathetic scapegoats.
The Venezuelan-born killer also talks about his religious conversion which began under an Iranian mullah, he says.
No comment.
In 2001 he married his own lawyer, Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, with an Islamic rite.
How will you ensure she's shuffling about in her Yashmak like a good Islamowifey?
The new book does not refer to Sanchez's own crimes but he says that he completed his "memoirs" in 1992 whilst in Jordan, to be published after his death.
Then that's one book we can eagerly look forward to seeing on Amazon.
Posted by: Bulldog 2003-06-26