
Will Murtha’s Iraq stance hinder his re-election bid?
U.S. Rep. John Murtha understands he has become a lightning rod for his controversial and uncharacteristic outspokenness against the war in Iraq. But Murtha, D-Johnstown, says he believes troops will begin being redeployed before the November election, a move that will allow him to refocus on jobs, health care and economic development closer to home in his bid for re-election. “It’ll still be an issue in the fall. It just won’t be as much of an issue,” Murtha said in an interview with The Tribune-Democrat. “You’re going to see a redeployment of troops this year. I think you’ll see a substantial withdrawal of troops.”

Political experts are divided about whether Murtha’s polarizing views on the war will affect his campaign against Republican challenger Diana Irey, a Washington County commissioner. “I cannot deny that Murtha has done a wonderful job for our region,” said state GOP Chairman Rob Gleason of Johnstown. “He’s brought home the bacon. If that’s how you want to judge a congressman or any elected official, he gets five stars. I think everything was pretty positive until the past few months, when he started attacking the president and the war and saying things that weren’t really positive as far as the troops were concerned.”
Posted by: Fred 2006-07-10