
S.Africa: Shocking tales from my Crime Page
The African Crisis is an interesting ressource about SA, with coverage of the ongoing crime wave the site owner compares to a low key guerilla war waged by the gvt to chase whites out; it's true some farmer murders are beyond anything one could imagine with a "mundane" greed-motivated crime (for example, in one "incident", the farmer is incapacitated by the gang, he will be shot in a separate attack months later, while is wife is asked where's the clothes iron; she's then stripped and gangraped, then covered with oil, and burnt with the red hot iron until her skin falls off in shreds...).

[Here are just the 3 latest posts on the crime page on my webste. Take a look at the kind of things which go on, and how people feel about our Police. The Minister of Safety & Security & the Chief of Police (Selebi), announced, after a week of meetings, that crime is not out of hand. Jan]

Randburg, Johannesburg
My elderly parents' home was broken into and my father was stabbed to death as he was woken by the intruders. My mother is seriously wounded and is in hospital in intensive care. The police are totally incompetent and are doing NOTHING.

Dinwoody, Germiston
A young South African Greek man (last name Papadellis) aged 29 (?) was attacked in the living room of his home by three gun totting blacks. The motive was robbery. However, they shot Papadellis in the stomach sending him to hospital where his spleen and half his liver and intestines were removed. The man died one week later. His father was left with a medical bill of over half a million rand.

Although I support Mbeki, I also support the death penalty. The current government is doing nothing to curb crime. Stay away from South Africa until they reintroduce the death penalty and reduce crime effectively.

A letter I received:-

Dear Sir
Interesting website, glad I found out about it.

It makes me sick to see how bad crime has become in South Africa. The fact that most of them are never solved or that the Dockets disappear, gets me going even more.

I am a statistic. So are many of my friends. A quick Run-Down:

Zelda Myburgh - Benoni - Murdered in her home by their garden boy who hit her on her head with a shovel. Due to lack of evidence, he is a free man.

Claire Andrews - Kempton Park - Gang raped by a group of black men in her home. I believe that they have never been caught.

Mr. & Mrs. Ellinas - Boksburg - Hijacked in their driveway just after spinal surgery. They pushed her around like a toy. They have never been caught.

John - Ireland - Moved to Benoni and was a good friend to all. Was stabbed to death in Nelspruit after a road rage incident. Not sure what happened with the murderer.

Tracy Thompson - Ekurhuleni - Hijacked and Murdered. Body found close to township offramp. Cops stuffed up evidence. No closure.

Duncan H Cramer - Modderfontein - Shot in the head during an armed robbery. He was trying to protect me from harm. Positive prints left behind on many household items, case closed after about 8 months.

Cherith Anderson - Benoni - Hijacked outside my home when I lived in JHB. No closure.

Dion Edwards - Benoni/Port Shepstone - Arrested on a case that was closed (drunken driving), placed in a cell with twenty other men and was raped by them. He committed suicide.

Well, those are just some of them. It doesn't even include the petty crimes and the plain pesty ones that some of us experienced.

Funny Thing is, this has all happened in the last 6 years.

Wow, Democracy is working well. All the housing projects have now been completed. All our people now have clean, safe running water. We have no poverty and no starving people. ARV's are supplied by government and our ministers no longer say "If you don't like the crime, Leave" or take their whole group of friends on shopping sprees in Dubai. Our police force also get paid decent salaries and our children now all attend decent, clean and healthy schools. Oh, and our new stadiums have been built for the 2010 World Cup Soccer too! And the best of all, we still have money left over!!!

I'm sorry that my sarcasm has taken over here. But it seems that this is the kind of country I would like to live in. Not the one where everyone knows at least 5-6 people who have been affected by crime. I am sure most people know of at least 1 person who has been murdered.

It is truly sad to think that the lives of our children will be even worse. Because God knows, I have tried, but my hand has been smacked away so many times, that I have given up.

And look at what our beautiful country has to offer.

It's just scary getting to all the places of grace what with Hijackings on Highways, Boulders being thrown off bridges into moving cars, Shootings at petrol stations and Cash in Transit Heists. Once you are there, you have to put up with Smash and grabs at intersections, rapes or murders taking place on beaches, and your caravan, tent or rental home being emptied by unknown parties.

Hey, it does affect us all at the end of the day. It is just frustrating.

I will be making this one of my regular stops during my quiet days. Trust you will have interesting articles!

Best of Luck.

For more crimes, see the crime page at:

Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-07-10