
The weaving web of hatred...
MUSLIM extremists in Sydney are using the internet to gather support for making Australia an Islamic state.

The chatrooms reveal a ground swell of support for notorious terrorists such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi among some young Muslims living in the suburbs.

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: A super information highway of terror?

Just a day after investigators in the US uncovered an internet-based plot to attack New York, The Daily Telegraph can reveal that Australian Muslim websites are awash with similar material.

The sinister forums are contained in innocent-looking websites posing as community discussion boards.

The Sydney Muslim Youth Forum, on which young Muslims exchange views about Islam, devotes threads to turning Australia into an Islamic state.

"I reckon we stay and try our best to get to high positions in this country so it comes to the fold of Islam," a member calling himself God's Slave 4 Life wrote.

Another member called Wasalam also suggested imposing the Muslim way of life on Australian society from the inside and called on members to pray for Muslims waging war overseas.

"We have to be sure firstly that Allah is pleased with us and that we're completing our task and that we're not only stressing about what's happening but that we are also doing something about it," Wasalam wrote. "May Allah help us and bring victory to the Muslimeen and Mujahideen in every land."

But a female member tells her friends that Australian Muslims would be better off moving overseas.

"Don't you think we should unite in one land and from there re-organise ourselves into different territories?" she wrote. "We are investing our gold n' silver in a non-Muslim land and at any moment if the big bosses think we're up to no good, they can freeze everything!"

The Muslim Village website - a branch of the mainstream Islamic

Sydney.com site - contains disturbing messages of support for some of the world's most reviled terrorists.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, killed by US forces last month after a reign of terror, is described as a hero of the Islamic cause.

'While some members of the chatroom rejoiced in Zarqawi's death, others expressed their dismay. "
Posted by: Oztralian 2006-07-10