
Perv won’t allow ‘vice and virtue’ body in NWFP
President General Pervez Musharraf declared on Wednesday that he would not allow the establishment of a vice and virtue department in the NWFP as mentioned by the MMA government in the province.
Of course, he's speaking in Washington...
Talking to Washington Post editors, the president said, “Certainly, we would not like to allow this to come out as a body, judicial body, which is there to address all issues and declare whether something is Islamic or un-Islamic. We have our own courts, the Constitution contains issues which disallow any Article repugnant to Islam to be introduced in Pakistan. So all these checks and balances are there and we think that there is no need for an additional check of this nature that you are saying. And we need to see when they (the MMA) bring it up, they are talking of it, but I am very clear that we cannot allow this thing to happen in our country.”
Knowing Perv as well as we do by now, that means it'll probably happen, but he'll say it's not...
Asked about domestic Pakistani politics, the president said, referring to Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif, that his government had only moved against “two individuals” who had run Pakistan twice before and brought the country to the brink of being declared a “failed state”.
Only to the brink?
Gen Musharraf said what he had done by way of the LFO was to bar those who had twice been chief ministers and prime ministers from holding the slots a third time, but their parties were still a part of Pakistani politics.
Yep. Standing on principle — with the MMA when they think it suits them, with Perv when they think it suits them...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-26