
Islamists claim victory in Somalia
Abdi Hassan Awale Qeydiid, Somalia's last secular warlord in the capital Mogadishu, has surrendered to Islamic militants after a two-day battle that left at least 67 dead, militants said.
Some warlord. We want our money back.
The militants said on Monday that they had captured the warlord's headquarters in the south of the city and that his fighters had begun handing over their weapons.
"Please form a line so you can be executed in an orderly manner..."
The militants had claimed on Sunday that they had taken full control of the city after declaring victory over Qeydiid and fellow warlord and transitional government member Hussein Aidid, but heavy fighting had resumed early afternoon on Monday. Somalia's transitional government in Baidoa, about 250kms (150miles) from Mogadishu, demanded that the Islamists abandon territories they seized in Mogadishu and be excluded from peace talks with the government, expected to resume in Khartoum on Saturday.
Posted by: Fred 2006-07-11