
Nasrallah: Only exchange will win back troops
"The whole world will not be able to retrieve the two captured Israeli soldiers except through indirect negotiations that will lead to a swap with our detainees in Israel," Hizbullah's leader declared Wednesday. Speaking at a news conference in Beirut's southern suburbs after the resistance group captured two Israeli soldiers, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said: "It would be a delusion if anyone thinks that they can retrieve the captured Israeli soldiers. These soldiers will not return to Israel until after one means is utilized, which is indirect negotiations, and a swap of the soldiers with the Lebanese and Arab detainees in the Israeli prisons."
They can, however, bomb the living crap out of wherever Nasrallah is...
Nasrallah added: "Of course, Lebanon, our officials ... Syria ... Iran ... are all under heavy pressure from the international community ... to release these soldiers ... But we are used to pressure." He joked: "What do they want us to do? Hand over the soldiers and apologize? What kind of world are they living in?"
Unlike Hassan, we're living in the civilized world.

Posted by: Fred 2006-07-13