
Police arrest man planting bomb (Afghanistan)
POLICE in Afghanistan's capital Kabul today arrested a man they said was planting a 10-kilogram bomb outside the Information Ministry.

The arrest came a day after six other men were caught in the capital with bombs and remote-control detonators, police said. "A terrorist was arrested while planting a bomb in front of the Ministry of Information and Culture," Interior Ministry spokesman Yousuf Stanizai said. "He had some Taliban-related documents on him."

The man was planting the bomb on a side street near the ministry, said police criminal investigation department chief Ali Shah Paktiwal. The explosives were hidden in a shopping bag, he said.

The centre of the capital was hit by four minor bomb blasts over two days last week, with one person killed and about 50 wounded. One of the bombs was outside the Justice Ministry and close to other ministries and the presidential compound.

The Taliban, which is waging a growing insurgency focused on the east and south of the country, claimed responsibility for the blasts. But intelligence sources said a host of disaffected groups could have been responsible.

Kabul has seen relatively little of the insurgency-linked violence gripping areas bordering Pakistan although there have been several suicide attacks on foreign and Afghan soldiers in the war-scarred city.
Posted by: phil_b 2006-07-13