
Police Detain Suspects In Mumbai Blasts
Mumbai, 13 July (AKI) - The Indian police have detained hundreds of people in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai and various parts of Maharashtra state for questining in connection with Tuesday's blasts on Mumbai's railway network which killed at least 185 people and injured hundreds of others. Various wire reports say the numbers detained range from 150 to 350 people. According to a Press Trust of India (PTI) report, most of those detained were suspected activists of the banned Muslim organisation Students' Islamic Movement of India (SIMI).

The PTI said that the activists were detained by the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) after an overnight drive by the city's police in which railway stations and hotels were searched and the SIMI activists rounded up. The Reuters news agency said that the police have also prepared three sketches of suspects who were seen at the bomb sites. No group has claimed responsibility for the series of blasts which occured in a span of 20 minutes. Reports say that the police suspect the bombs were placed in leather bags and kept in luggage racks.

Pakistan's foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri has reacted angrily to various suggestions that Pakistan could be behind the blasts. In an interview braodcast on CNN, he said that India should be careful about ant attempt to attribute the attacks to so-called Pakistan-based militants. He repeated Pakistan's condemnation of the blasts but asked "why should there be finger pointing every time?"
Ummm, cause it's true?

India's prime minister Manmohan Singh called for calm in the wake of the attacks. Many fear that the bombings could trigger clashes between Hindus and Muslims in India. Singh commended the police, firefighters and doctors who are involved in the rescue work.

In a television address to the nation on Wednesday he paid "tribute to all those who showed courage and humanism in responding to the cowardice of terrorists." "These elements have not yet understood that we Indians can stand united... that we will stand united. They have not yet understood that we will never let them win," said the Indian prime minister.
Posted by: Steve 2006-07-13