
Kidnapped soldiers named
See blog for updates on coverage.
The two soldiers who were kidnapped in Lebanon yesterday have been named by the IDF. Contrary to a post I linked yesterday, neither of them is Druze - they are both apparently Jewish. According to the IDF, the soldiers are Ehud Goldwasser, 31, from Nahariya, and Eldad Regev, 26, from Kiryat Motzkin. I guess you all know now where Nahariya is and I think I mentioned Kiryat Motzkin - just north of Haifa - yesterday as well.

Update 4:46 PM

Al-Jazeera reports that the soldiers were alive at the time of the kidnapping, according to a Hizbullah source.
They were moved to a nearby mosque immediately after the abduction, and were then forced to change clothes and were taken by taxi to another location.
Btw, from I've read, 80's french hostages in Lebanon were mostly hidden in a network of mosques. Mosques = more than religious buildings like churches, but centers for the (male) muslim community to socialize and organize, including Jihad(Tm).
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-07-13