
THAILAND: Alert for suicide bomb attacks
Thailand says it has been warned by international intelligence agencies of potential suicide bomb attacks on its territory, but authorities did not say who has been cited as suspects.
"Hey, Mahmoud! I'm bored."
"Me, too, Ahmed. Let's go screw up somebody else's country."
The country's police chief, General Sant Sarutanond, says police have told postal workers to be on the alert after one explosive device was discovered. "We have been regularly warned by various countries of possible suicide bombs, and we have acted accordingly," General Sant said. "So far we've found one device but have no suspects, but we have tightened our search on parcels via all channels." The comments follow local media reports that Burma's military government has warned Thailand of a suicide bomb threat to its embassy in Bangkok by exiled dissidents angry with Rangoon's detention of pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
I'd find that very surprising. It ain't their style. I'd guess this was a propaganda move against them...
But Thai security forces are also on the alert for Muslim militancy. Police arrested four suspected members of the Jemaah Islamiah network last month, charging them with planning attacks on embassies and Thai beach resorts popular with Westerners.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2003-06-28