
All terror attacks are inter-linked: Saran
(Indian) Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran has said that the recent terror attacks are all inter-linked. "We'll review the progress of cooperation with Pakistan. Showing no tolerance to terror is only option," Saran said. Saying a segmented approach to terrorism won't do, he asked those fighting the menace to share information.

Secretary level talks scheduled between India and Pakistan have been cancelled after New Delhi said it was convinced of Pakistan's involvement in the serial blasts in Mumbai. The July 11 blasts, which were one of the worst to have hit India, claimed 179 lives and injured 770 people.

Pakistan, on its part, has consistently been denying any involvement in the Mumbai blasts and has offered assistance in the investigations.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Mumbai and made a direct reference to the Pakistani connection in the blasts. He said that the peace talks would not continue unless Pakistan curbed cross border terrorism. "We have been trying to normalise relations with Pakistan but we have explained to the government of Pakistan at the highest level that unless Pakistan curbs terrorist activities, no government can continue with a peace process. "Pakistan had assured us in 2004 that it would not aid and abet terrorism on its soil it has to fulfill that obligation," said Singh. The talks were to be held on July 21, during which the two sides were to review the third round of their composite dialogue.

There has been another fallout of the serial blasts in Mumbai. Two MPs Sandeep Diskhit and Brinda Karat, who were to travel to Pakistan on Sunday, to take part in the Commonwealth parliamentarians' conference in Islamabad have cancelled their visit. The Commonwealth conference is being held to discuss gender issue.
Posted by: ed 2006-07-15