
The Islamists Are Content to Battle Us 'One Slice at a Time'
Written by Arlene Peck

My mother, Queen Mollie, once told me when I was a kid: “There are four words I want you to take out of the English language. Those are ‘ought,’ ‘should,’ ‘fair,’ and ‘equitable,’ because, Darlin’, life isn’t always the way it oughta or shoulda be.” For sure, it's rarely fair or equitable.

I first noticed this when I was in Beirut as a journalist in June of ’82 with the Israel Defense Force. I went over there as a typical naïve American thinking that we would see some fighting. However, it did not take me long to realize that the Islamic mentality with which we were dealing was founded on terror. The Islamic version of fighting was sniper warfare and bombing. It goes along with the Islamic mentality that I was told is based in the Koran, that the way to defeat an enemy (and let there be no mistake, this barbaric mentality lives by the attitude that the death of everyone who is not one of them is necessary) is to strike, one slice at a time. One slice may not harm their quarry, but after 2,000 slices, they leave victorious.
Posted by: anonymous5089 2006-07-18