
Hek Releases First Video
In his first video message, Afghan rebel leader Gulbuddin Hekmatyar urged his people to rally together and drive all U.S. and foreign troops from the country. He also mocked the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai as full of unscrupulous opportunists who are "fighting their own people under the command of foreigners."
If Hek can release a video, what's holding Binny back? I mean, besides being dead and all.
The message, on a compact disc received Tuesday by The Associated Press, shows the stubbornness of resistance facing U.S. troops still trying to bring order to Afghanistan nearly two years after the Taliban and their al-Qaida allies collapsed. There have been audio tapes of Hekmatyar, but this was the first time his image has been circulated. He has not been seen publicly since he slipped back into Afghanistan from Iran last year. Western intelligence agencies have long suspected Hekmatyar, a former prime minister, was trying to recruit members of the Taliban and al-Qaida into his Hezb-i-Islami, or Party of Islam, organization.
He's trying to be the new Mr Big.
"I invite all Afghan factions to come and forget our differences ... and oust the foreign troops, cut the hands of the foreign meddlers," the gray-bearded Hekmatyar said. Hekmatyar, wearing thick glasses and appearing haggard, said that if attacks against the Americans and their international partners continue, "it will be difficult for the American forces to move out of their bases. Neither their convoys will be safe nor their bases."
Just keep thinking that way, Hek. Oh, and don't look up.
It was unclear when the recording was made. Hekmatyar and his guards were wearing warm clothing. He is believed hiding in the cold, high mountains along the Afghan-Pakistan border, where U.S. special operations troops have been hunting him for months.
Hek is too important to be on the Afghan side of the border, that's for the cannon fodder types.
On the disc, provided by a senior intelligence officer in Hekmatyar's organization, Hekmatyar denied forming alliances with the Taliban or al-Qaida but praised attacks against U.S. and international forces. He also displayed contempt for Karzai's government, saying it was a "sin to waste our time" opposing the Kabul administration when "it is the Americans who are keeping the transitional government secure."
That and the new Afghan army.
"Those standing with the Americans are like the former Communists," he said. "They have sold their religion, faith and country for a few dollars. The Afghan people believe that they cannot have a government of their choice until they all rise up."
"I know if the Americans will just leave, the people will choose me to lead them."
Hekmatyar accused Afghan authorities of using the Americans to kill fellow Afghans in a desperate attempt to cling to power. "They want the Americans to increase their troops," he said. "They call this `American crusade' as a just war against terrorism."
As a matter of fact, yes, we do.
Posted by: Steve 2003-07-01