
North Korea threatens to withdraw from Korean War armistice
JPost - Reg Req'd
More spittle and jumping up and down from Kimmy's tools

North Korea threatened Tuesday to abandon the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean War, and warned that it will take "strong and merciless retaliatory measures" in response to any economic blockade.

The North's Korean People's Army said that "Korea is at the crossroads of war or peace" because of US efforts to stifle the communist state.
Stifle It, Edith!
North Korea has recently stepped up its anti-US rhetoric in an apparent attempt to force the United States to negotiate a dispute over the North's nuclear ambitions.
that's working real well for ya isn't it?
"It is, in fact, hardly possible to preserve the cease-fire in Korea by the unilateral efforts of the Korean People's Army side," said the North Korean military's representative at Panmunjom, a truce village where the US-led UN Command and the North Korean military meet to oversee the armistice.

His statement was carried by the North's state-run KCNA news agency.

North Korea has often threatened to scrap the armistice, the key legal document that keeps an uneasy peace on the divided Korean Peninsula. It has called the armistice a "dead document" or a "useless piece of paper."
pretty much describes it, hmmm?
The United States and its allies are pressuring North Korea to abandon its suspected development of nuclear weapons. In recent weeks, they began cracking down on alleged North Korean trading in illicit drugs, counterfeit money and weapons.

North Korea calls the moves part of a US plan to impose an international siege on the isolated state and says they violate the armistice.

"If the US side applies sanctions against [North Korea] and conducts sea and air blockade against it anywhere and starts bolstering up troops in and around the Korean Peninsula, the KPA side will promptly regard it as a complete breach of the armistice agreement by the US side and will immediately take strong and merciless retaliatory measures," the North said.
"Sea of Fire™", yadda yadda
Also Tuesday, North Korea accused the United States of conducting some 200 spy flights over its country in June.
good - got the GPS coords on the artillery and nuke shacks?
KCNA said the United States used various reconnaissance planes to conduct aerial espionage last month.
Sounds like they're gonna try and intercept/down one of our 135's operating off the coast. Saw a clip on Fox this week - NK had sent fighters to within 50' of a RC-135's wingtips as a scare tactic. Target acquisition radar locked on for heatseekers...better have escorts now
This "proves that the US imperialists are becoming more undisguised in their moves to make a surprise pre-emptive attack (on North Korea) over its nuclear issue," KCNA said.

The nuclear standoff began in October when US officials said North Korea admitted having a covert nuclear program in violation of a 1994 pact.

The 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, not with a peace treaty.

Posted by: Frank G 2003-07-01