
SE Asia calls for action on Burma
After decades of turning a blind eye to the Burmese junta's authoritarian abuses, south-east Asian countries announced yesterday that they could no longer defend the indefensible.
What took you so long?
Malaysia's foreign minister, Syed Hamid Albar, the chairman of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean), said the group's fortunes were being held hostage by Burma, which has refused to initiate a transition to democracy despite repeated pledges to do so.

"Asean now has reached a stage where it is not possible to defend its member when that member is not making an attempt to cooperate," Mr Syed Hamid said at a conference of Asean legislators.
So take care of it. You don't need us. Handle this one yourselves.
He also urged China and India - who are investing in Burma, with little regard to its human rights record - to further pressure the junta, and said that although Asean would not intervene in Burma it would approve of UN action.
"We'd like someone else to do the heavy lifting."
The UN security council has twice discussed Burma in the past few months, but Chinese objections prevent a formal resolution being passed. The Philippines president, Gloria Arroyo, has already stated she wants to see tougher global action.
Don't you have problems closer to home, Gloria?

Posted by: Steve White 2006-07-22